Trade easier between coins with CoinSpot's new CoinSwap!
Swap between 410+ different cryptocurrencies with ease, using CoinSwap. This allows us to offer some unique trading pairs not available in most markets.
Instead of making multiple trades by selling your coins back to AUD to purchase another coin, you can now complete this within one trade using CoinSpot's CoinSwap!
You do not require a verified account to access our CoinSwap feature
How to place a CoinSwap order
In the following example, we will be swapping Bitcoin (BTC) to Ethereum (ETH).
1. Once logged in, select 'Swap'.
Figure 1. CoinSwap - (My Account Menu - Swap)
2. Select the coin you own to swap into.
Figure 2. CoinSwap - (Selecting a Coin)
3. Enter the amount of the coin you are holding that you want to swap > Then search or select the coin you want to swap into > Afterwards select 'Swap'.
Figure 3. CoinSwap - (Entering an Amount to Swap)
4. You will then be presented with a Confirmation screen outlining the details of the transaction for you to confirm. Review the details of the transaction and once you are ready to place your CoinSwap order, tap on 'Confirm Swap'.
Figure 4. CoinSwap - (Confirm Swap)
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Please submit your request via Zendesk -
or start a conversation with us via Live Chat and our team will provide full instructions and advice.
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