Frequently Asked Questions
- CoinSpot Website - Dashboard Value Display
- CoinSpot Website - Wallets Value Display
- CoinSpot Mobile App - Dashboard Value Display
- CoinSpot Mobile App - Wallets Value Display
- If I sell my coins, will I get the same amount as what my wallet value shows?
CoinSpot Website - Dashboard Value Display
My Portfolio
Represents your approximate wallet value based on the buy price of your entire coin holdings.
This also includes any current available AUD balance.
Account Funds
Account Funds represents how much AUD you have available to spend on coins or withdraw back to your bank account.
CoinSpot Website - Wallets Value Display
We show the approximate wallet value based on the buy price as this is in line with the majority of other trading options. This shows the value of your account on paper, what it would cost to purchase the coins you are holding in your CoinSpot wallets at the time.
This wallet value does not include any current available AUD balance.
CoinSpot Mobile App - Dashboard Value Display
Portfolio is the total coin holding value based on the buy price & available AUD funds.
Available Funds
Available Funds is the total available AUD to withdraw back to your bank account or to use to purchase coins.
CoinSpot Mobile App - Wallets Value Display
Approx. Wallet Value
Approx Wallet Value is the total coin holding value based on the buy price.
Wallet Change
Wallet Change is based on the historical change in value to coins purchased on CoinSpot currently held on the platform.
If I sell my coins, will I get the same amount as what my wallet value shows?
Your wallet value is only an approximation based on the coins Buy Rate.
When you go to sell the coin, you will be selling against the Sell Rate which is generally lower than the Buy Rate.
Please ensure you check the Instant Sell confirmation screen carefully before confirming the amount you will receive for your sale. For further information on spread, please have a read of the article here.
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or start a conversation with us via Live Chat and our team will provide full instructions and advice.
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How do I get to my wallet
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