is completing a swap to combine their two token system into a "one stop shop" token. will cease supporting MCO and will combine the current functionalities of MCO with CRO token to enable a more streamlined ecosystem.
1 MCO token you hold will be exchanged for 27.6439 CRO tokens.
If you do not want to exchange your MCO tokens for CRO tokens directly on CoinSpot, you will need to withdraw them from the platform prior to October 28.
If you are holding your MCO tokens in an external wallet or exchange and wish for CoinSpot to complete the swap on your behalf, please ensure your MCO tokens have been deposited to your CoinSpot wallet prior to October 28.
On October 28, the CoinSpot MCO wallet will be disabled for deposits, withdrawals. Trading will be disabled and re-enabled after the swap has been completed.
You can read more about the MCO Swap Program directly from
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