Ensure your account is up to date when you change your residential address, provide us with any of the accepted documents below in .JPG or .PNG file format.
Please reach out to the Support Team to provide us with either of the following with your new address and full name displayed on the document:
- Updated ID Document (Front & Back)
- Utility Bill - Water, Gas, Electricity, Internet
- Phone Bill - Mobile or Landline
- Rates Notice
- Bank Statement / Letter
- ATO Letter
- Tax Statements / Return
- Fines or a letter from Council or Government department
- Car Registration or Insurance
- House Insurance policy
Please ensure your photos are supplied in .JPG or .PNG file format.
Need more help?
Please submit your request via Zendesk - https://coinspot.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
or start a conversation with us via Live Chat and our team will provide full instructions and advice.
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