Add your favourite coins to your CoinSpot Watchlist!
Save your favourite coins to your Watchlist for quick access and view! The benefits of saving your coin to Watchlist is that you will be able to quickly view the price of the coin along with the 24hr percentage movement for your favourite coin.
What is in this article?
- How do I add a coin to my Watchlist?
- How do I remove a coin from my Watchlist?
- How do I view my Watchlist?
How do I add a coin to my Watchlist?
1. Select 'Buy/Sell'.
Figure 1. Create a Watchlist - (Buy/Sell Icon)
2. Then click the 'Star Icon' next to the coin you wish to add to your Watchlist. This will successfully add your coin to your Watchlist.
Figure 2. Create a Watchlist - (Watchlist Favourite Icon)
How do I view my Watchlist?
Once added, you will find the coin added to My Watchlist which is shown on the Dashboard.
Figure 3. Create a Watchlist - (Watchlist Dashboard)
How do I remove a coin from my Watchlist?
Click the 'Star Icon' next to the coin in your Watchlist to remove it.
Figure 4. Create a Watchlist - (Remove from Watchlist)
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1 comment
I sent $5000 to my coinspot account but can't find $1000 . Please help me
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